Does Myopia Really Just Refer To Foresight? (because it's the best word to describe how these people see the world.)

"Ye Htut, a Burmese government spokesman, also accused the first lady of politicizing the tragedy. 'I would like to say that what we are doing is better than the Bush administration response to the Katrina storm in 2005, if you compare the resources of the two countries,' he told reporters." (ht White House Watch)
This was in response to Laura Bush's condemnation of the Burmese government
and their refusals of conditions to US aid, which goes to show that the myopia of people connected to this administration also applies to events receding into the past. I would like to say that this is the best example of this administration's inability to look at its own incompetency when viewing unfolding events, but it's a relatively small one (but only beside the multitude of much larger examples). Still I would be remiss to not point out the hypocrisy of this administration condemning another government for refusing international aid for its citizens in harm's way.
The problem with this whole blogging thing is that it takes time for me to arrange my thoughts, and I'm a little lazy. It's spring in Barcelona. It's gorgeous. Still, it's hard for me to ignore this stuff, and they just keep saying ridiculous outlandish things which make obvious that they just don't get it: everything they've done has been wrong, everything they've touched has turned to shit; the military; the economy; Iraq; the country; hope; truth; justice. Whatever the name is for the anti-Midas touch, that's precisely what they have. It wouldn't be so bad if they would just promise to sit still and be quiet until January. But they won't. What they will do is try to distance themselves from their crimes against the world and the country. What they will try to do is continue to refuse to be at all accountable for their foul choices, while continuing to force more of the same.
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