There are numerous iterations of a social media meme of how people present on different social media platforms. This, in a nutshell: I was reminded of how true this is after a response to my last post. A friend on Facebook questioned my description of Hillary's 2008 campaign as unapologetically white supremacist, which is understandable because that's not commonly how her campaign is depicted especially after her invocation of intersectionality and overt mention of institutional racism in her 2016 campaign. It can also come off as needlessly incendiary and definitely combative, which is where the meme comes in: this is probably a bit more accurate. I have spent a fair amount of time discussing electoral politics with centrists I encounter on Twitter. I initially said her campaign had racist undertones, matching the description of Ryan Cooper in The Week , (which I shared with my friend along with this Michelle Alexander piece ) that changed over time, admittedly ...
a retired member of the superhero community still trying to fight the good fight