I've been missing my self imposed deadlines for my blogs because of health reasons but also because I'm still figuring them out and trying different things. I've been talking to friends about doing a collaborative version of my music blog that was also a conversation about music and life, more about the desire than what it was to be. My youngest nephew came to visit recently so I decided to draft him into my attempt at making my idea concrete. After my first attempt I now know a bit better what I'm trying to create: an interview of people I like where they essentially DJ for me. Recognizing that, I need to polish my interview skills and think a bit more about the conversation I'd like to foster. The first episode is a bit rough but I enjoyed my nephew's musical choices. I'm not sure if it as a name, or how regular it will become, I've been thinking of it as The Dinner Party, or The Tea Party, or today Conversations Over the Supper Table. Episode 1 of ...
a retired member of the superhero community still trying to fight the good fight