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Reflexive Derangement as Resistance

Immediately upon his second inauguration, President Trump set out to fulfill his campaign promises through executive orders. Among his commitments was to shrink the federal workforce, especially of those who have continued to work from home post-COVID. Among the government workers fired were 3-400 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) workers. Since the inauguration there have been a number of shocking airplane collisions and and near misses, starting just 9 days after the inauguration. On January 29 a US Black Hawk helicopter collided with a civilian jet near Ronald Reagan Airport. With each incident, the media returned to the question of how much the FAA staff cuts were responsible for what began to seem like an unprecedented number of accidents in a president's first two months.  The media coverage of this topic highlights the media and Democrat's approach to everything Trump does. It is not about the subject, it is always about the fact that it has happened under or because...
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As Go The Amish: The Election of Unintended Consequences

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It's Not About Cats or Haitians: Why It's Not Racist to Question Importing Millions of Poor Migrants

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Bravery Is a Choice, and Cowards Make Bad Leaders

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The Fog of Tik Tok War

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There is No Difference Between Willful Dishonesty and Willful Ignorance

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