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Showing posts from March, 2009

Reasons to be Thankful for, and not Just Sick of Rush

Visit for Breaking News , World News , and News about the Economy Actually it's not reasons, plural, it's a reason, singular, with trailing caveats. In essence: He's telling it like it is. What he's telling us has less to do with the reality of the world in which we all reside than it does the current bitter mental state of the Repubdican Party and its concomitant desperation. He's no Karl Rove, flaying language, tying it in knots to say the opposite of what he means, he means what he says, and he's proud of it. When he says that he wants the President to fail, that's what he means; and every time someone tries to place his words in some softer context, he breaks the bars of confinement to let us know that not only did he mean it, but every honest Repubdican means it too . The logical extension of that desire, that he also wants the country to fail, seems lost on him. For everyone outside the Repubdican Party it's apparent that Bush screwe