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Reasons to be Thankful for, and not Just Sick of Rush

Actually it's not reasons, plural, it's a reason, singular, with trailing caveats. In essence: He's telling it like it is. What he's telling us has less to do with the reality of the world in which we all reside than it does the current bitter mental state of the Repubdican Party and its concomitant desperation.

He's no Karl Rove, flaying language, tying it in knots to say the opposite of what he means, he means what he says, and he's proud of it. When he says that he wants the President to fail, that's what he means; and every time someone tries to place his words in some softer context, he breaks the bars of confinement to let us know that not only did he mean it, but every honest Repubdican means it too. The logical extension of that desire, that he also wants the country to fail, seems lost on him. For everyone outside the Repubdican Party it's apparent that Bush screwed us to such a degree that Obama's success is the country's success, we can't afford for him to fail. For the sake of their continued electoral relevance, the Repubdicans can't afford for him to succeed. Party survival fueled their opposition to the Clintons' health care reforms in '93, it fuels their opposition to Obama now.

It has become increasingly obvious that Limbaugh is less in love with the Repubdican Party than so damaged that his ego needs the love of the right and the Repubdicans. And he will have that love even if it kills them, or else. The parade of Repubdicans offering mild Rush critiques and then quickly reversing course to prostrate themselves for his forgiveness has been as painfully hilarious as watching The Office (UK version) for the first time. This is worse than tough love, it's more like insecure co-dependent parent love, or jealous midget-god-plex love-- you will place no diminutive gods before me.

Rove's self-loathing ego wouldn't force him to shoot himself and the party in the foot like this, his self-loathing would make him shoot you and explain why it's your fault. And that's the ONE reason I'm thankful for Rush. After eight years of being insulted and told I'm only imagining it, it's a relief to just be insulted. Despite his wish that the country fail, I hope that Rush continues to be successful in his ascension to voice and leader of the Repubdican Party. He either hasn't learned that the right never says what it means, or he realized the only way to rule the Repubdican Party was to shrink it small enough to drown it in himself. Regardless, the Repundicans are dead, Long Live the Voice of The Repubdicans.


And no, I cannot prove that Rush Limbaugh is not constantly under the influence of narcotics or a pig-fucker.


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