When you consider the breadth of the taint and degrading effect of the Bush administration on all aspects of the government, the kindest thing you can say is that they were blinded by ideology. I don't think it's too out of bounds to ask if the results of their governance is their ideology; to essentially wonder if they are following the Grover Norquist handbook to weaken the government, leave it powerless to regulate any market or industry effectively. As was asked after Katrina, you could ask about their manipulations of every aspect of the government, " Was it deliberate malevolence or just criminal incompetence? " The War on Terror has become the war to create terrorists. No Child Left Behind has left most children behind. The cakewalk war that would never become another Vietnam, has the potential to be worse than Vietnam, especially in terms of its effect on the stability of the region. Rumsfeld's plan to create a fast moving sleek military has left it brok...
a retired member of the superhero community still trying to fight the good fight